In December 13th of 2009, the chilean people must elect they president for the period 2010-2014. All the chilean citizens, all who are registered in the electoral system, will must go to the enabled zones to vote. The electoral system it is very simple: if you are registered, you are bound to vote for the rest of your life.
In this race, run four candidates, but only three run with advantage (as tell the surveys). The fourth candidate, the leftwing Jorge Arrate, have the same minority destiny of the chilean left since the democracys back after the long years of Pinochet dictatorship.
In this race, run four candidates, but only three run with advantage (as tell the surveys). The fourth candidate, the leftwing Jorge Arrate, have the same minority destiny of the chilean left since the democracys back after the long years of Pinochet dictatorship.
The three most strong candidates are the rightwing Sebastian Piñera, the christian democrat Eduardo Frei, and the independent Marco Enriquez-Ominami.
Sebastian Piñera is one of the most millionaire people in Chile, and he represent to the "Coalición por el Cambio", a politic conglomerate that meets the rightwings parties. Basically, he defends the neoliberal sistem and represents the conservatism tradition of the upper class, and his measures aim to perfect the free market system, increase the number of police mens, and other populist measures, like pay a bond of $40.000 if he wins the elections.
Eduardo Frei represent the continuity of the present goverment, because he is an important member of the "Concertación" pact, a party coalition of central and leftwing currents that govern the country since the definitive democracy's back in 1990. He was presindent between 1994 and 2000, and he wants come back to Moneda house to continue the Michelle Bachelet work, the current president. Frei talk more about Bachelet work than his own goberment in the nineties, because he use the greatest popularity of Bachelet to wins the elections.
Marco Enriquez-Ominami it is an ex memeber of Socialist Party. It is the most young candidate, and his policies strategy are the criticism to the other candidates, aiming to they older and traditional way to do policy. Hence, this candidate define him like the nesesary change that needs the policy in the present. His ideas are next to the leftwing, however he is a liberal, not a socialist.
In my opinion, this election has an interesting debate between all the candidates, but this is not so important because the candidates whit more win possibilities are the representatives of the two political forces that dominate the power in Chile because of the bynominal system: The Concertación and the rightwing. That is means that the elección it's reduced to a fight of who offer more and more, Piñera or Frei, taking advantage of the people needs. I don't believe that december elections means a good future for Chile, and for all this, I don't vote , because I don't believe in both Piñera and Frei, they are the worse of the present politcy.
Eduardo Frei represent the continuity of the present goverment, because he is an important member of the "Concertación" pact, a party coalition of central and leftwing currents that govern the country since the definitive democracy's back in 1990. He was presindent between 1994 and 2000, and he wants come back to Moneda house to continue the Michelle Bachelet work, the current president. Frei talk more about Bachelet work than his own goberment in the nineties, because he use the greatest popularity of Bachelet to wins the elections.
Marco Enriquez-Ominami it is an ex memeber of Socialist Party. It is the most young candidate, and his policies strategy are the criticism to the other candidates, aiming to they older and traditional way to do policy. Hence, this candidate define him like the nesesary change that needs the policy in the present. His ideas are next to the leftwing, however he is a liberal, not a socialist.
In my opinion, this election has an interesting debate between all the candidates, but this is not so important because the candidates whit more win possibilities are the representatives of the two political forces that dominate the power in Chile because of the bynominal system: The Concertación and the rightwing. That is means that the elección it's reduced to a fight of who offer more and more, Piñera or Frei, taking advantage of the people needs. I don't believe that december elections means a good future for Chile, and for all this, I don't vote , because I don't believe in both Piñera and Frei, they are the worse of the present politcy.