That field trip consisted in an environmental impact research for an Archaeology subject called "Methods and techniques of fieldwork". Was a very hard field trip, we worked a lot under the burning sun of the desert in eternal workdays from the early morning to the sunset during ten days. Now we, me and my classmates, understand why everyone says that the Atacama desert is the most arid desert in the world... in hundreds of kilometers we don't see a little bit of life, and of course, neither a smallest shadow in that we could get cool us!!
We did a material recovey from an old saltpeter campment of late nineteen century. Our work consisted in recognize the campment limits and recover all the possible material in the shortest time, because those terrains was a property of the enterprise SOQUIMICH, that after of we left literally it would do explode those lands for extract various minerals. We did a lot of grids and excavations, and we put the material in a lot of plastic bags.
The result of our work was a lot of containers full of broken glass bottles, a lot of rusty metal, pieces of centenary newspapers, a lot of diferent seeds, a lot of clothes, tissues and shoes, and many of other objects that speak us of the hard life in that campments. I'm not agree with the metodology of the environmental impact researches, because the material founded is not estudied in depth, and all consist in dig an put the material in plastic bags. The discipline needs to revise this methodology because are hundreds the archaeologycal sites that today are in containers waiting to be studied!